Prof. Pierre-Guy Marnet
Pierre-Guy Marnet is a French professor working as professor and researcher in Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (ex Agrocampus-Ouest) in France, and as associated prof. In vet school of Sidi Thabet in Tunisia. He is specialist in animal physiology with special emphasis on lactation physiology. After a time dedicated to hormonal immuno-analysis development, he has intensively worked on endocrinology and neuroendocrinology (oxytocin, prolactin, cortisol and ovarian steroids…) related to mammogenesis, lactogenesis and galactopoiesis (with special focus on milk secretion and ejection and behaviour or animals during and around suckling and milking) and reproductive function in rabbits, dogs and main ruminants. A major part of his applied work focuses on milking machine management and impact (e.g. cleaning, stimulations, milk quality, udder and teat reactions), milking intervals (e.g. once a day milking, 13 milkings per week, 3 milkings on 2 days, robotic milking..) and milking ability traits of animals (e.g. milk flow parameters or udder capacities and morphologies). His work experiments has taken him to different places (Africa (Maghreb and Niger in Africa, South and North America, Arabic countries, East and South Europa) to further develop milking efficiency with their local breeds or species (e.g. local dairy sheep and goats, zebus, cows and camels) and improving milk quality. Prof. Marnet has assisted in designing and evaluating milking machines settings (ISO norma) and educating producers on the correct machine settings and usage to increase animal performance, milk quality and farm profitability. He is renowned throughout the EU dairy industry, and milk research domain and works as FIL-IDF expert, and as a legal expert to French courts and as scientific and technical advisor to some foreign governments. He authored more than 100 original scientific papers and book chapters, more than 50 technical papers and presented around 200 scientific and technical communications in national and international conferences.